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allow for意思

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allow for什么意思


allow for是什么意思

考虑到;将…计算在内;顾及 例句:1.New rules on amateurism allow payment for promotional work.新的业余工作条例规定,做促销工作可获得报酬。2.The Agency's...

allow for是什么意思?

回答:考虑到;体谅到;允许...,意思很多,在不同的情况下表达的意思是不用的。 如果还是没明白,可以把这个短语所在的句子发给我看看。

allow for什么意思啊

其实应该解为“使XX变为可以”但是你要说“有利于”也差不多 比如 The fridge allowed for the making of icecubes.冰使得制造冰块变为可能.如果还有什么问题可以...

allow for用法及例句

3.It can be corrected to allow for any small drift in calibration .它可对标定中出现的任何小漂移进行修正。all...

allow for 有“带来”的意思吗?

allow for 1.take into consideration;make concession for考虑到;体谅到;对…让步 You have to allow for the boy's age.你应该体谅到孩子的年龄。Allowing ...

allow for什么意思

put… into practice 付诸实践 allow for 考虑到 at least 至少 基于99个网页 考虑到,顾及,为…留出预地 account ...

allow for,account for的用法?例句?

3.In work with this cloth,be sure to allow for shrinking.用这种布缝衣,务必考虑到洗后会缩水.4.We must allow for the train being late.我们必须想到火车会晚...

allow for 和given区别

You'd better allow for the members voting against you.你该谅解那些投你反对票的人们。允许有, 留出, 给予 We must allow an hour for the meeting.我们必须留...


allow for 体谅,考虑到 那么,allow for you 的意思就是:体谅你,考虑到你...

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